Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Boa


22 15:26:31

I have a 7 month old columbian boa,i noticed a few months ago that she had one or two mites on her. i treated her and her tank for the next few weeks, but they never went away.i was told not to worry because my snake still eats and i will only find one or 2 mites every other day.i have tried everything to get rid of them and i cant seem to get them gone. is there anything i can do to get them to stay away? because i have sugar gliders and other animals in there with here but have removed them from the room and i want them back in there but dont want them getting mites as well.

Hi Amber,
  The info you have received is wrong. Mites will continue to multiply and will eventually kill your snake. Step one is to get them off the snake. Use commercially available lice shampoo and do this every day for 5 days. Get all of the substrate out of the enclosure and spray it down with sevin liquid, let it set for a couple days. Soak new substrate before you put it in the enclosure in sevin / water. Let it completely dry before you put your snake back in. If you are very vigilant, this will get rid of your mites.