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Egyptian Sand Boa regurgitating

22 15:20:26

I'm currently taking care a very sickly looking sand boa because of someone else's neglect or ignorance, I'm not sure which but I knew if I left him where he was he would die. He's regurgitated 2 mice from what I was told. I've been able to feed him a fuzzy and have him keep it down. He looks skinny and sickly compared to my son's fat healthy sand boa. I was told to soak him but I'm afraid to move him around because I'm afraid he'll regurgitate his fuzzy & I honestly don't think he would live through it. If you have any advise to offer I would greatly appreciate it. I'm trying to save this little guy's life, thank you in advance for any help you can offer.

I agree with you in that I wouldn't move him right now.  Wait 5-6 days until you're sure the fuzzy is down and staying down and then soak him in Pedialyte.  Then try feeding again.  If he poops, try taking a sample to a vet for a fecal float test so that you can determine if there is a parasite problem.  If he pukes the only hope is the vet and you'll have to weigh cost vs. reward on that one because if he's as bad as you say it's very doubtful he'll make it.  The fact that he's eating at all does give me some hope.