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Something on my snakes face

22 15:37:30

I have a columbian boa. I noticed a clear thorn like thing above her mouth. I don't know if it is a sliver (but it is clear), a mouse claw, or what. I am just worried if it is some kind of parasite. Please let me know asap. I am worried about it.

Hi Derek
From what you told me it could possibly be a sliver of some sort since you said it was clear. If it wasn't clear it most likely would be a mite.  Did you attempt to remove it with tweezers?  You might try to do that if she'll let you and it is small enough. I am also giving you a great site to check out about snake parasites.  Copy and paste the address into your web browser and then click on the section about Parasites. If should take her to a Vet who specializes in reptiles for a thorough checkup.  Snakes can carry internal parasites as well.  Good luck and let me know what happens.
Here is the site;