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ribbon snake

22 15:33:25

I recently bought a ribbon snake and whenever I'm near it, it darts away from me. When I try to hold it, its crazy! Could you please give me some advice on taming a ribbon snake? Also, when it was in the pet store, it at live feeder goldfish. I read that goldfish may contain parasites so I tried feeding it frozen talapia(unfrozen when fed). It wont eat it. Is there any problem with goldfish? If there is, what should I feed it?

Hey Beck

Ribbons will tame down, it just takes a lot of patience. Just do some handling every day, not holding him tight (But not loose enough for him to make an escape) and he should after a little while realize you aren't going to eat him. They will never become as take as say a python, but they will learn to stop wiggling.

I feed my ribbons at work minnows and small goldfish. Just make sure the ones you get to feed your snake look in good condition. I have never had parasite problems though that is something to keep an eye on.