Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Food


22 15:29:11

Paul - We have a young eastern king snake. He (she?) is about 14 inches long. We have had it for a few days. What do you propose we feed it. We have put a small toad in the aquarium with it but it doesn't seem interested. Someone said crickets - what do you think?


Kingsnakes don't eat crickets. Your best bet is going to be feeding it mice. It's always best if you can use frozen mice (thawed out of course), which you should be able to find at stores like PetCo. However, some wild-caught snakes (which it sounds like your is) may not take a thawed-out mouse. If that's the case, you'll need to feed it live mice. A snake of that size would take a pinky or small fuzzy mouse (ie. a baby).

Also, if your snake is a wild-caught, there's the chance it won't want to feed in captivity. If you can't get it to eat after 2-3 weeks then your best bet is to just let it go.