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Why is my corn snake not eating?

22 15:36:15

Question's the deal.  I have a 3 month old corn snake and he is not eating.  He last ate 2 weeks ago today.  Before he ate regularly but I noticed that on the feeding chart at the store before i got him, there was a period where he didn't eat for a month.  He shed 2 weeks ago and the heating in his tank is adequate 78 to 80 degrees.  He also drinks plenty of water.  He acts normal and very active at night.  He doesn't have any scratches or any mites on him because I check him everyday.  I was just wondering if this was normal.

We are getting into the winter months, which means many snakes appetites are starting to wane. They keep up their activity level, still drink and still act normal except for the not eating. Baby cornsnakes don't seem to be very consistent eaters until they get a bit older as well.

Don't worry about it for now. You can offer him a snack every week or so, but don't expect much. As long as he stays healthy in other aspects don't stress out. :)