Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > housing Colombian boas together

housing Colombian boas together

22 15:36:05

QUESTION: I have 3 Colombian boas.My ft is a albino stripe and my other 2 are ft Colombian red tails het for albino and square tail. Can I house them together with out a problem? They are all females

ANSWER: Typically it isn't a good idea to house multiple snake together if they don't have enough room for them to have their own space inside the cage (at least for boas and pythons). They can stress each other out. If your cage is big enough, then it might be possible. If it isn't however, it might be best to keep them in separate enclosures.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: My question got messed up some how.I have 100 gallon and the albino is 3 feet long and the other two are almost 2 feet long.Can the size difference in the snakes be ok together? Plus my albino is nasty but getting better with me handling her and the other two are sweet as pie;will the albino change my other boas temperaments?

Unlike other animals, I haven't really noticed reptiles personalities rubbing off on eachother nearly as much.

I don't think there will be a problem, but I would watch carefully for the first few days. Because the albino is nasty and bigger, that could potentially cause a problem.