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garter snake spine deformities

22 15:20:57

georgia, the worst
georgia, the worst
i have a small tradition that when i catch a snake we keep it over night and release it the next day. well my brother had captured a large western terrestrial garter snake and we caged it over night. that night and throughout the morning the snake had 12 baby snakes. 2 were still born, 6 were fine, so i released those with the mother. but the other 4 had spinal deformities so i kept them. like the ones in caramel ball pythons. i have heard of this in corns as well. with the corns it was bones fusing due to incorrect incubation temperatures for the egg. but my question is that is it possible to happen to live born snakes? and if so, can it affect only a select few out of the clutch?

As you have seen it certainly can happen to only a few.  What exactly causes it probably varies from case to case.  Remember that reptiles have VERY low survivorship.  The animals you kept would simply be the first ones "picked" off by the predators.  I doubt that the one you pictured will survive but I have seen some corns make it through the first few months which a "kink" here and there.  Good Luck!