Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Corn Snake = Crazy

Corn Snake = Crazy

22 15:37:11

I am not really a fan of snakes, but my friend got me a snake for my enw apartment as a pet. I have held him once or twice in the past few months, but I can tell he doesnt like me as he often tries to strike me regardless of how gentle I care for him. Just recently he broke out of the cage and attempted to attack me several times until I retreated out of the front door. I tried to use a broom to guide him into a bucket but he attacked the brook and then diverted his attacks towards me. I really dont like going near im at all. How can I lure him out the front door or kind of scare him out the front door?

Hi Beau
First of all....don't just let him go "free" out the front door!  He is not a wild snake and will not survive outside. I am sorry to hear he is causing such a problem. Is there anyway you could have your friend come get the snake back and give it to a pet store or another person?  If all else fails...just use that broom to sweep him where you want him to go.  Even if he bites onto it he will let go once you get him to the desired area.  Good luck.