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Milk Snake Wont Eat Pinkie

22 15:29:28

My mild snake has eaten both pinkies and furries, but now it won't eat even a pinkie.  Not sure what to do, it's been three weeks since it's last feeding.

First check the you have his cage set up correctly. Does he have a hide box. Is the cool end around 70 degrees, and the warm end around lower 80s. Then you might try varying the food item a little. If you are using frozen-thawed pinkies, try a little bit of fish scent. I've found that rubbing a little bit of catfish filet (from the grocery story) often works. You can also try braining the pinkie by putting a small hole in it's head and oozing some fluid out. It sounds bad, but will get some snakes to eat. Lastly, you can also try a live pinkie.