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byrmese python carring eggs

22 15:29:28

I have some friends albino burmese python that I am watching (4 months now). I do not have any other snake, nor do they. They purchase the snake about 8 months ago. They did note, when they purchase the snake from the last owner, it was the only snake there. They snake was take to CSU this week for it's first exam. The Vet said it is a female and it is carrying eggs. The Vet also stated that the eggs might not hatch. Does this mean the eggs will still be laid or could she just pass them with her bowels?  Anything would be of great help....??

Parthenogenesis (self fertilization) has been documented in burmese pythons but it is VERY rare.  More likely she is ovulating and the vet either felt the follicles or saw them via ultrasound.  She may lay infertile eggs or she may just reabsorb them.  If they come out any color other than bright white they are infertile.  Gestation is 60 days.