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Escaped Corn Snake!!

22 15:27:22

I'm kind of freaking out right now... I came home today after being at my cottage for 4 nights, and found my corn snake missing. I have checked in lots of places, although I am not feeling to mobile/active considering I suffered from heat stroke on Sunday. My corn snake is 3 years old and 5 feet long, I have checked everywhere I can think of, left out a thawed rat in a box with holes, sprinkled flour around some water dishes scattered around my house and in the doorways. The last time I fed him was on Saturday the 15th. Do you have any suggestions on finding him or laying 'traps'? Do you think there is a high chance of him being in the basement, considering it is quite cool, in the toilet[I'm certainly hoping not, or there is a minimal chance of him still being alive!], or escaped from the house[We close all the windows and lock the doors before we go to the cottage]? I'm really worried about him!

finding an escaped snake is not easy. The good news is, with a snake of this size, you have 4 to 6 months to find him. Try a room to room search, look for anything warm. Pour flour at the base of door ways to look for tracks. If the house was sealed up tight, i am guessing he is still in there.