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eating, mating, and hybornation

22 15:31:37

i just got two creamsicle corn snakes there babbies i have had them for about 3 weeks but they wont eat we have to force feed them how can i get them to eat? and i have another question there about a foot and 2 inches when do you think they will mate i have to books and one says it matters on age and the other says it matters on size so what do you think also when do you think it will start hybornation

If you have tried live pinkies and it still won't eat, then I would force-feed mouse tails. This will give them the taste of the mice and hopefully get them to come around. You can also try "braining" a pinky mouse. You cut a small hole in it's skull and let a little bit of fluid out. then put the snake and the pinky in a deli cup overnight and see if it will eat. They won't be able to mate until they are about 2-3 years old. It's a matter of both age and size. 2-3 years is usually about the soonest you can get them to breeding size if you feed them heavily. It can take longer though if they are slow eaters. You don't need to hibernate them unti they are of breeding size.