Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > ball python wont eat

ball python wont eat

22 15:30:08

my ball python is about 8 months old.. her temp is correct and she has aspen bedding with a hiding cave and a water bowl. she has always eaten fine and she eats live mice. she usually eats 2 feeder mice every week to a week and a half. its been almost 3 and a half weeks and she wont eat. she just looks at the mouse and goes on about her business. she goes the opposite direction. she is still really active as usual and everything. is she possibly sick or just not hungry?

Hey Jenn,

Snakes can go for up to a year and maybe even longer without eating. As long as she is not losing great deals of weight and you are not noticing  a sloughing of the skin then just continue to try and feed her every week. She might just not be hungry yet. If in a couple weeks she still does not eat then buy a couple hopper mice and leave them in a shoe box inside her tank with a hole big enough for her to get in on top. Ball pythons actually do their hunting at night in the wild.

Hope this helps,