Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > live plants?

live plants?

22 15:25:56

Hi there,
just a quick question, I am building what I plan to be an awesome big vivarium for my 2 year old jungle carpet python and plan to have live plants in the vivarium. Inside his current vivarium he has live air plants on driftwood and a couple other hardy plants and these have been in there for a long time with no issues. My question it ok to use live plants in a vivarium? I have tried to research why people dont use live plants and usually come up with answers such as the snake would probably just flatten/crush the plants. Im aware there are risks with parasites but is this really a big no no as i really have my heart set on this.

   I think the risks are overblown. It is true that the simplest setup is usually the easiest to care for, but if you have your heart set on live plants, I say go for it. It is not like the snakes crawl over newspaper and fake driftwood in the wild.