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snake removal

22 15:25:56

I had 3 wild snakes (snall, spoted backs) infiltrate my home. With the help of my little chihuahua I was successful in releasing 3 of them (with a broom) through an open door but now find 1 remaining. I am very nervous about touching a wild snake even though it is obviously not dangerous (I don't think). Do you know of a snake removal service? Any suggestions you can give ma will be greatly appreciated.
Mary Donovan

Mary, your local animal control can probably give you the number of someone who will do that.  The "professional" companies that do it are generally EXPENSIVE!  So be sure you know the terms up front.  If you can find a local herpetological society there might be someone there who does it for free.  I don't know where you live or what the snakes look like so I can't help yet...