Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Small hard bump on my baby corn

Small hard bump on my baby corn

22 15:25:56

Hello.  I just recently got a baby corn snake and noticed she has a very small,
very hard bump on her back.  It's about the size of a larger grain of sand (if
that makes any sense! haha).  It doesn't seem to cause her any pain or
discomfort whatsoever.  She moves perfectly fine, eats fine, sheds fine, it's
just a little hard bump! I'm not sure if she had it when I got her.. I noticed it a
couple days after I fed her for the first time.  Any suggestions to what it
might be would be great :) Thanks!

If this were an old snake, I would say cancer. I recently had a boa die with tumors, almost sesame seed shape and size. But I digress... Chances are it is nothing. Snakes are prone to oddities such as this. It could be a pocket of infection or a birth defect. I would not be concerned with it unless it causes issues or grows in size. If it does grow, take her to a vet and have it removed. I know this is not much help, but without seeing the bumps size, feeling it, and making an assessment, it is impossible to diagnose. Again, if it was me, I would not be worried unless it became bigger as the snake grows. If you would like me to take a look at it, take some pics and send them to me:

