Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > I have no idea...

I have no idea...

22 15:30:30

I moved into a new apartment and the previous tenant left her snake there. I think it's a ball python, but I'm not sure. He was left with no water or heat for about a week. We found him hiding under a rock. There has been no movement. This may be a stupid question to some, but could he still be alive and just hibernating? I have plugged the heating pad and lamp back in just in case. Would you say it's safe to assume he's dead?

Hi Sherri,

Take it out of the tank. If it does not move curl up it is more then likely dead. A natural reaction for a ball python is to ball up. Hold it for a few minutes to see if it will come un curled up. They will try to get away if you hold them long enough.

I hope it is alive they make great pets.....
