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Corn snake Twitching

22 15:37:20

Hi There,

I have an adult Male and adult Female corn snake sharing a 3.5ft w X 3.5ft d X 2ft h vivarium.

I use cedar chips in the tank and have two warm houses, a climbing frame, a climbing vine, a waterfall and a "cold" house inside the tank.

The temperature on the warm side is a constant 25 degrees centigrade.

One time i noticed that the female snake was twitching about 2 days before she laid 16 eggs (one of which she miscarried the day before). This was not copulation as she was moving on her own in the tank from one side to the other in full view.

This only happened once and i watched closely to see if it happened again and researched it on google but found nothing.

My assumption was that she was shivering as she was coming out of the waterfall (after spending a few hours in there hiding at the back of it). I picked her up today and she seemed to twitch a lot when i touched her. It was definitely not cold and not shivering so I'm wondering if you have any other explanation for it?

Thanks and regards,


The snake could have a calcium deficiency which is rare in snakes, though since shes just after laying eggs, this could explain it. If she does have this it could be very serious, even fatal, and you would need to take her to a reptile vet for calcium injections. Seperate her from the male to stop her from getting pregnant again. Good luck