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how long can a king snake survive if lost?...

22 15:37:21

my nephew lost his pet snake recently it was a baby king snake...its gone under the floor boards of my sisters long can he/she last without food/water? can we try to find it...any ideas?...weve tried using baby mice as bait with no joy....its been missing now for 8days and is approx 8weeks old...

Thanks for your answers/replies...

AnnMarie :-)

Hi AnnMarie
Normally a lost snake in the home (which I've had MANY!!! :-) ) is not a big deal as they will eventually "show up".  But the baby kingsnake is very young and the chance of survival is not good for too long.  Snakes that young need food/water weekly to survive.  I will tell you a few tips to find him. The best time is in the early evening.  Keep the lights off in the house and grab a flashlite. Quietly make rounds in the area he escaped looking along the floor boards closest to the walls and under furniture. Do this nightly for a good week or so.  You tried the mice bait and no show but keep doing it every other day or two.  One last idea is to put some double-sided sticky tape along a few areas of the sideboards.  He will likely travel onto one and get "stuck" for you to find. All in patient.  He most likely will show up when you least expect him.  I have had snakes disappear for over a month until they "reappeared".  Good luck and let me know if you find him!  :-)