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my female ball python

22 15:29:55

my female ball python who is 4 years old and about 5'7" feet long and about a 6 inch width not sure on weight, she hasn't eaten since around valentines day and i noticed her mid-section is swollen but i don't feel lumps , its just hard. i think shes flexing so we cant feel her..i also noticed her color went from dark brown to  grey shes pale. could she gravid and how do i tell?
thank you so much for your help!

Hi Crystal,

You can check. You need to pick her up and then place her front half into the tank and then with your dominate hand pinch her body in between you thumb and pointer finger. Squeeze her bond from top to bottom. be careful she might poop on you. If she is gravid you should feel some small lumps.

Look online for a video on palpating a snake.
