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my burm

22 15:20:48

Hi tins, I've emailed you.before about my Burmese and his ri. I was wondering if there's another way I can give my boy his antibiotics instead of injection because I'm uncomfortable sometimes when I have to give him the shot. He hates it and always moving and breaking the needle.

Jamar, Unfortunately there is no other way to get a systemic antibiotic into him. He senses your uncomfortable and it makes him nervous. The easiest way is get him when you comfortable in one of your normal comfortable positions. Like my guy likes to lay over my neck and in my lap and half way down the couch. When he was getting injections for burns....long story...I would rub him harder where I was about to give it to him and don't give him time to move. Don't stab him just very quickly and smoothly put it in push quickly and out. If he is moving by the time he is done pull the needle out away from the direction he is moving to stop it from breaking. also, make sure you put the needle in with the top going the same direction as the scales. This will stop it from breaking when he moves it will just slide out.Hang in there it is for his own good. It is a little rough now but it would be harder losing him. The most important thing is that you finish this medication. Good Luck, Tina