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Xena ball python

22 15:20:30

Hi I just got a new baby ball python about 9in in length from the Petaluma reptile expo a few days ago. she was very standoffish at first so I was told to let her get use to her tank for a few days. then on the 3rd day i attempted to feed her a pinky. I tried live and then dead and she was not interested at all but seemed scared. now its 2 days after that and i attempted it again but did not prevail. Do you have any tips to get her to eat. she is now alot more calm and very sweet but just still wont eat.


Thanks for your question. I have a couple suggestions for you. I always found that my snakes did not eat in their cage, my baby ball python especially. Get an empty tub or container. Put the snake in the tub/container by itself, no water or logs or anything and try feeding her in that. Sometimes snakes just need a different environment other than their cage to detect the food better. I would stick with live pinkies because snakes tend to like live food better.

That should work but if she still doesn't eat, get her a 'fuzzy' and try feeding that, it's one step up from a pinkie, maybe food that moves around more will get her attention. Snakes can go a few months without food so don't be worried she hasn't eaten yet. Just try what I suggested.

Hope it made your snake eat, if not, message me again and I will see if I can come up with anything else.