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Brown house snake

22 15:27:02

Hi Andrew

I have a brown house snake that wont eat. I thought it was cos she was shedding but now that she has shed she still wont eat. she last ate over 3 months ago. Iv been trying to feed her but she wont eat anything.she is definately very weak and seems to be "wagging" the tip of her tail uncharacteristically.

i have a corn snake as well and he is 100%cant get enough mice in him.they stay in the same tank...i dont know if that has anything to do with it?I feed them in seperate tanks tho.

thanks very much

hi Chris.

it is quite possible that the corn snake is putting the house snake off of its food. is the corn snake bigger than the house snake? if so definately separate them. a smaller snake being housed with a larger snake may get bullied and will become stressed and this will stop them eating. also check your temperatures. they should be 82F in the middle with a hot and cool spot at eaither end.

the wagging of the tail may be a sign of neurological problems starting. because she hasnt eaten in a while, she may start taking proteins from her brain to keep her alive, therefore damaging her brain causing brain damage.

i would separate the snakes straight away and leave the house snake almost completely alone for about a week. only go in the tank to change water. make sure she has lots of small places to hide. then try her again on some food. i would try feeding the smallest size mice you think it would be sensible to try.

i hope this helps
