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black snakes

22 15:33:10

I live in an old wooden house that is raised off the ground and have a very large black snake and numerous smaller black snakes living under my house.  I have noticed a very gassy type odor coming from under the house where they live.  Is the stink coming from the snakes or should I look elsewhere??  Thanks

   Could be! Racers and other colubrids do have the capability of deploying a "musk" that smells a little like grass. However, this is unlikely since your house is off the ground the smell is not that strong. I guess the answer is a definite maybe.

Even if it is the snake, I would leave them. Those black snakes (Racers or Black Rat) keep rodents away from your house. If you get rid of the snakes, there will be an explosion in the rat population. I have a couple under my house and I am glad to have them. Should you ever get bitten, rest assured that these snakes are harmless and the bite will be no more that a prick. I used to be scared to death of snakes, then I fell in love with them. I have been hooked ever since.


Kevin L. Ogle