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milk snake

22 15:36:49

i have wanted to get a snake for a long time, and now my parents will let me, i was wondering if getting a milk snake would be ok. i don't want my first snake to grow to big, or be to exotic to care for properly.
also, when, or if i get this snake, is it better to give it live mice or are frozen just as good?

Yes, milksnakes are good snakes to have as pets. They can sometimes be nippy (ie. bite) when they are young. Some subspecies (like hondurans) nip more than others. Black milksnakes on the other hand are extremely gentle, however they get about 5-6' in length. I would probably recommend a Nelsons or Sinaloan milksnake. They are on the calmer side, yet only get to be about 2-3' in length.
As far as food, frozen is always best. It can never bit your snake :)  plus it's easier to buy food in bulk for feeding.