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royals/ball python

22 15:36:50

hello paul
     do you know about ball pythons i have a female about 2years of age.i am thinking of betting another and putting them together.i not sure on the size of viv i would need any ideas? also i have spoke to many people about this as i i want to get it spot on and one person has told me not to do this as they are cannibalistic is this true? i see them together in reptile centers all the time, many thanks cole

I'm not an expert on BPs, but I did a google on "ball python cannibalism" and the first hit mentioned that cases of cannibalism have been reported. How true this is I don't know, but in general, it's always best to house snakes seperately. Mainly for the reason of health, in that if one animals were to become ill they would both become infected. Also, having 2 animals in the same cage can induce stress on the animals, possibly causing one of them to stop eating.