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Shedding Problems

22 15:33:55

About a month or so ago I received a 6 month old ball python, he hasn't eaten since I have received him and he started to shed about 2 weeks ago with not much success, its taking him a long time and I read that it should only take a few days, I have tried getting him a bowl of warm water to help him shed but he didnt like it.

Is it normal for it to take this long for him? And why does he still not eat?


Hey Kaylie

Babies are usually harder to get a good shed out of, as they don't know to soak in their bowl yet.
There are two different methods I have used and both have worked very well. The first is making a shed box. This can be a plastic box with a hole in it filled with sphagnum moss that has been moistened down. This gets the snake nice and soft while providing a semi-coarse material for him to use to get rid of the rest of the skin. The second is getting a plastic container (Preferably one they can't get out of. I use a plastic bucket)and filling it about an inch with warm  water. Then get a few towels, about 3-6 depending on how big the container is, and putting them in there. Then take your snake and put him partway under one of the towels, letting him crawl out on his own. Repeat this for about 20 minutes. This will also soften up the skin so either he gets it off on the towels, or you can rub it off.

As for the eating, because you received him in the middle of winter which is typically hibernating season for them, and the move is stressful, it doesn't surprise me that he refuses to eat. Try to feed him every week or so, but it may be another month before he takes anything.