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Corn snake musking

22 15:20:10

Hi i have a younger corn snake probly about a year now and everytime i put him in his feeding tub i put the f/t rats in and leave him to eat and when i come back hes eaten and has also secreted the musking liquid. Any ideas on why he might be doing that?

Most colubrids do this as a defense, usually its right when you pick them up so Im not sure why he does it after he has already been in the bin. I have never heard of this before, you may want to try feeding him in his cage and not moving him, it could be due to stressing him right before feeding. I have over 200 snakes right now and none of them are moved from their bins to a seperate feeding bin, and none of them ever are aggressive when I get them out. snakes are actually really smart and if you keep them well fed and on a regular feeding schedule they know what food is and even when they are supposed to get fed. Every thursday my snakes go crazy because they know its feeding day. Its a proven myth that snakes will become aggressive if fed in their cages, they use smell more than anything when eating and unless you smell like a rat you are safe. If you think about it its hard for most people to switch snakes from mice to rats because its a different smell, so try feeding him in his cage and see if he stops.