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red-tail or python

22 15:36:19

Which are better pets to have a red-tail boa or a python?

Depends on which kind of python we are talking about. Ball pythons are the most common, and the easiest to take care of. Ball's get 3-6 feet depending on the sex of the snake. Red tails can get 8+. If you want a bigger snake, then they would be it. Ball pythons are notorious for being easy to handle, easy to feed (As long as you get a captive-bred one), and docile. Red tails are easy, but they do grow fast and attain much longer lengths. They are also easy feeders, at least the ones I had were.

If you have never had a bigger snake before, I would recommend the Ball Python to start. You can always get another snake later, but as far as learning the ropes that would be best.