Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Regurgitation


22 15:33:57

I have a 182cm Boa Constrictor (Imperata) approximately 2 - 2.5 years old.  She would usually eat 1 Medium sized rat per week without a fuss, but when I fed her the other day she seemed to take her time even becoming interested in her food.  When she did finally strike for the rat and eat it, approximately and hour later, she opened her mouth and regurgitated the whole lot.  Some of the Rats Insides were visibly protruding when it came back up.  Is this why the snake regurgitated her food or could it be something more serious?  
Thanks alot for your time!

Could be any number of things.  Could have been too cold, maybe the previous meal was still digesting, there could be a health issue.  Just keep an eye on the snake make sure it isn't acting strange and there is most likely not an issue but after a few days it still acts lethargic you may want to take it to a vet.  The insides of the rat were protruding due to pre digestion and shouldn't have had anything to do with the regurg.