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My snake wants to eat me....

22 15:36:13

I'm Chance, I'm 14 years old and I made a very stupid mistake... I didn't even consider that it might not be a good idea to feed my snake in his tank, because he's the first snake I've ever had. I bought an adult corn snake from a pet shop 6-7 months ago, and up until 2 months ago, I was feeding him in his tank. Someone told me NOT to do it and explained why, and now I feel pretty stupid because it was mostly common sense.. but anyhow, I started feeding him in a cardboard box after that. But now, whenever I try to get him out of the cardboard box about half an hour to an hour after I've fed him, he acts like he wants to eat my hand. He doesn't actually strike or anything, but he moves his head real fast and jerks around when I try to pick him up.. like he does when I put the mouse in the box. When he's back in the tank, sometimes when I stick my hand in there to change his water or clean up a mess, he also acts like he thinks it's a mouse. He normally doesn't act like this, because he's really friendly and he only started doing it recently.. so it's obvious that it's because I've been feeding him in his tank. If I just keep feeding him in the cardboard box, will he stop acting like that? Is there something else I can do?

It's OK. A lot of people are never told not to feed them in their tanks; at least you found out and remedied it.

When it comes to picking up the snake out of his feeding box, yes he's going to act like you are a mouse. I don't pick up my python after I feed her directly. Most of the time I will just slide her out of the box into my hands. She also was initially fed in the cage, so it's a precaution I take.

As for reaching into the tank, he's just going to have to adjust to the tank opening and food not coming through. You could use gloves (This will help keep your heat signature be lower and therefore you will not be a mouse!) It will take awhile before he gets the idea (Sometimes they are not the brightest) but don't get discouraged. Time is going to be the way to fix it now that you have gotten things changed.