Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > is my snake blind??

is my snake blind??

22 15:36:53

Hi  Jennifer,
i know you are an expert in other snakes but the other experts are out on
vacation and felt that you were the one to ask.  I have a 2 month corn snake that
has been very healthy and active as long as i have had it.  Today when i took it
out i noticed that it'S eyes were no longer black but kinda violet, why is that??  is
something wrong and how do i fix it if so.  thank you for your time.

Hi Benny
Corn Snakes are in my area of expertise too :-)
The reason your snakes eyes are "violet" or "blue" in color is because he is getting ready to shed. After a few days they will turn black again and then a few days after that they will shed their skin. No worry !  Take care and thanks for writing.