Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Pueblo Milksnake

Pueblo Milksnake

22 15:32:45

Yes I have a pueblo milksnake that is about a year and a half old. He is a very good feeder. He is now eating full size mice one every 2 weeks. Is this a good time span between feedings. Secondly is there other things I can feed him besides mice. What about small rats or hamsters. Maybe you can tell me what else he would like to eat. Are there any lizards or frogs he would like. I want to try a variety of things. Any tips would be nice.


Rick, if your snake is simply a pet and there are no plans to breed it once every two weeks is barely enough.  Once a week or once every 10 days would be better (IMHO).  If it is or will be a breeder I'd feed it every week.  I would not worry about varying the diet.  A rat here of there maybe, but "if it ain't broke, don't fix it," is the way to go here.  DO NOT feed it lizards or frogs.  Lizards can be a disease vector and frogs can be poisonous.