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Snake care?

22 15:37:59

Hi, i'm an 11 year old boy and my mom is an expert in some other subject. I got a baby corn snake the other day and i'm worried because she has a black,faint , snad small patch of skin that i'm worried about.Also, i'm wondering when I should give it it's first meal, i've heard that you might need to wait a long time, so I don't want to rush.Thanks.

Hello, can you please give me some more info about the patch of skin and tell me where it is? Is it just her colouration? Give it at least 4 days with no handling or feeding to settle in and then you can try feeding. Feed it in a small tub so that it doesn't swallow any substrate. Make sure not to handle for at least 2 days after feeding. Make sure your snake has plenty of hides as baby corns can be very frightened. Also make sure you wash your hands after handling as you can get salmonella from reptiles. Good luck