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feeding a snake processed snake food

22 15:32:07

i own 3 snakes and everytime i feed them i am constantly asked why can't you feed your snake processed pet food like you do a cat or dog. or don't you know your killing another animal( i feed my snakes prekilled and frozen food) i don't know how to explain fully a snakes eating habit  and frankly i am getting tired of the remarks. so could you help me to explain a little better to why a snkae can not and will not eat processed food

Becke, 1st of all cat food and dog food are made from animals as well...  Start with that.  Just because someone is eating chicken nuggets rather than a whole chicken doesn't mean the nuggets came off a chicken nugget tree!  Snakes eat whole prey because they have evolved to do so.  Even if they would eat processed food (which is very doubtful) they would suffer a lack of certain vitamins and various other problems because they would not be getting whole prey.  The snake's "veggies" are in the mouse's gut and tissues, the calcium, in the bones, etc.  

Without snakes eating rodents the human population would suffer greatly from being overrun by the little varmints. AND rodents carry a host of diseases from which humans can suffer, snakes carry very few.