Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Hibernation


22 15:30:20

I have a ball python about a year and a half old. He stopped eating early in November, he also hasn't pooped since than. I try a few times to feed him but he had no interest in the mouse. Someone at a pet store told me he was hibernating. He does spend most of his time at the cooler end of the tank, and I do see him with his face in his water dish. I was wondering if I should start trying to feed him? Should I wait until he poops? Is this normal behavior? and would it be a good time to try to switch him to dead mice? I am not sure if he is a male or female snake, I use aspen shaving for substrate, the tank is generally about 80 degrees during the day and 70  at night. I bought him at Petco I assume he is captive bred. I also live in Central New York, We have cold and snowy winters.

Thanks for any help

Hello David,

Ball Pythons do not hibernate. This time of the year is when they go into breeding mode. Males will cease feeding for around three to four months on occasion. Just continue to offer food every week.
You might also check you temps to verify they are at around 89-92 degrees.
