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Cal Kingsnake - lost in my car :(

22 15:36:26

The subject says it all, I guess. I lost my 22" reverse desert phase in my Corolla late last night while transporting some boxes from one city to another. I tore those apart the minute I found that he was gone - nothing - and am now convinced that he's still hiding in my car. What do you think are the chances that he actually slithered out of the car, and what kinds of traps can I try to lure him out if he's still hiding?

Hi Marlene
Many MANY a time have I lost a snake.  But only once have I lost one in the car.  Unfortunately it was never found although we did find snake poo and a shed in the car.  Your best bet in capturing your snake is to put some double-sided sticky tape on areas of the floor in the car.  He will most likely come out at night in search of an escape, food, etc. If the tape is strong enough he'll get "stuck" on it for you to find in the morning. I do know that there is the possibility for escape from the inside out throught the a/c vents. You might want to shut those at night. Good luck and let me know if you find him.