Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Red Tailed Columbian Boa !HELP!

Red Tailed Columbian Boa !HELP!

22 15:37:45

I have a boa that is about a year old and a little over 2 feet long. I feed her an adult mouse once every week. Heres the problem, she has not "pooped" in about 3 or 4 weeks! She usually goes once a week. What is wrong with her!?

Hi Tracey
It does sound to me as though your boa may be constipated.  You really only need to feed her every two weeks and maybe downsize on a young adult mouse.  She will eventually defecate but don't feed her again for at least another two weeks.  She also could be preparing to shed.  Normally they won't defecate until right after their shed.  Keep an eye on her for the next couple of weeks.  If nothing happens after that you may want to take her to a Veterinarian that specializes in reptiles.  Hope this helps and thanks for writing.