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baby albino corn regurgitate

22 15:33:56

Hey, I bough a hatchling cornsnake about 10 days ago. I tried feeding it the day after I got it and it ate fine and everything was fine. After 4 days it ate again and then it had its first shed since i got it. The next day I took it to a breeder to have her checked up and get some pinkies for her and at the same time the breeder checked the sexe of my snake. I took back home, put her in her enclosure and the next morning it regurgitated after I handeled it a little after cleaning her water. Any worries here? I know its not normal for a snake to regurgitate but it was probably stupid of me to bring her there the next day after she ate.

There is a slight don't want to feed her again for at least 10 days. The reason being that when they regurge they lose a lot of their digestive acids from the stomach. If you feed again too soon, they won't be able to digest the meal and will probably regurge again. Wait 10 days, then feed a slightly smaller pinky if possible and wait for it to pass before feeding again. In other words, build her back up slowly on meals. And for the future, remember not to handle for 2-3 days after feedings.