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boas && food

22 15:31:15

My fiance and i are considering getting a boa as a pet. I have had one before but my uncle had told me I had to feed it rodents and even bunnies so I got rid of her...Do you absolutely have to feed it mice and cute little bunnies? I have had pet bunnies and my fiance and I had two mice as pets before(not anymore)so we could never bring ourselves to feed a snake mice or bunnies. Is there anything else we can feed a boa? If so what is it and how often?

Thanks so much AMBER

Hey Amber,

I am afraid there is nothing else that will offer the needed nutritional diet. There are a few things to feed them, but I am sure you will be more inclined to feed rats. Anything else I could tell you would be more like a pet and can be very expensive to use as food for a snake.

If you have any other questions please feel free to contact me again.,
Eric Rovegno