Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Ball Pythons.

Ball Pythons.

22 15:27:28

Hi there,
I'm getting a Ball Python and I'm just wondering a couple of things.
1. Should i use a heat lamp, a heating pad or both?
2. Could I use a regular heat lamp used for heating chickens with a red heat bulb?
3. Would it be ok for it to be 75 degrees and 85 degrees on the basking side of the tank?


hi Kali,

1) a heat lamp is absolutely perfect. i wouldn't use a heat mat at all with a royal as this can cause them to get a condition called scale rot...i should know, ive made the mistake before.

2) any heat lamp or bulb is ok so long as it gets the right temperatures and the snake cant burn itself on it.

3) if you can try increase the temperature just 5 degrees then you have the perfect temperatures and thermal gradient for your snake.

thanks for your question,
