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cooking rats

22 15:33:08

Can you tell me the best way to prepare frozen rats for my pet boa.  The rats are about 250 - 350 grams in weight.  I generally wrap up the rat in multiple layers of plastic wrap and steam in tin foil within a double boiler until warm.  Timing depends on cooking either from frozen or thawed.  
Any other methods would be helpful.  Thanks

Hey Lori

What I am always worried about with using a microwave or an oven, is overcooking and starting the decomposing process. The way I do it is taking warm water, and let them soak. This might mean that I have to replace the water a few times before I have a completely defrosted rat that I can place in hot water for 20 seconds or so to get that body temperature up, but I'm not as worried about what nutritional benefit was lost while cooking. You can do this either by placing the rat directly in the water, or in a ziploc. With larger rats though, it is hard to be patient. With the larger rats, you can use your method for part, then take them out so you can make sure they don't get too hot.