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Ball python weight

22 15:26:02

Heya, I know it's highly variable, but do you have any ball pythons, or know of any, and if so, what are their average length and weight in grams for a male. I've had mine 2 years, I rescued him from an acquaintance, he had severe scale rot, multiple lacerations, and really bad dehydration - his eyes were so pock marked they looked like golf balls!

Anyways, he didn't eat for 10 months of the 20 months he's been alive for, and I'm astounded he has made it through it all! but there you go! Hes feeding strongly now, and the last item on the check list is to get a bit of girth and weight on him. I have alot of snakes, but hes my first ball.. I'm planning on getting a female in a year or two though!

So yeah, what sort of weight would he ideally be at 2 years old? and again at 3 years old? just an average weight and length.. He's 492 grams and just over 3ft now, so very underweight, he had a vet check up last week, and the vet agreed that it's time to start getting some muscle on him! I know hes very underweight, I wont power feed him, but some guidline weights so I know where he stands would be good!


I have never seen a chart showing what you're asking for but for balls I would think somewhere between 500-800 grams per foot would be about right.  Females being heavier than males of course.  I would not call that an "expert" answer, but hopefully it will help you!