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I found a snake

22 15:37:53

hi jennifer..i recently found what i believe is a brown snake, i live in Southern Ontario, Canada and im not sure if u can find this type of snake here or not, i was wondering how to take care of it. thank you.

Hi Tommy
Brown snakes ( Storeria dekayi-scientific name) are very secretive little snakes. They are VERY common in Southern Ontario! So I am sure you are correct in it's identification.  They prefer moist soils and spend most of their time under leaf debris and the soil. Earthworms and slugs form the greatest part of their diet, although snails, pill bugs, soft-bodied insects, and small amphibians are also eaten on occasion. One interesting thing I found out is that Brown Snakes have specializations of the jaws and teeth that assist them in pulling snails from their shells. They are nocturnal so it is best to feed in the evenings.  They will pull the food under the soil to eat.  Be sure to supply a bowl of water as well as an under-the-tank heating pad on one side of the cage.  Keep the soil relatively moist but not too much.
Hope this helps and thanks for writing :-)