Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > my baby corn snakes tail

my baby corn snakes tail

22 15:29:37

Hello, my corn snake has been in good health for his life (about 5-6 months)
but i have had him for only about two. He Has a Heating lamp on top of his
cage above his hide away like the manual said and no heating rock his water
bowl is not in the light. But after he/she shed today i noticed that the last 5
millimeters of his tail seemed charred, please help i do not want any thing to
happen to him
                           Please help my baby corn snake,  

My thought is that the tail didn't shed correctly. Try putting a damp hide box in it's cage. You can construct one from a margarine or CoolWhip bowl. Fill it about halfway with damp sphagnum moss, and cut a hole in the side of it. Place on the cool end of the cage. The snake will seek out this hidebox when it's going through a shed cycle, and it will help it to shed completely.