Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Skin tearing

Skin tearing

22 15:29:30


Thanks for all your work - your answers are excellent!  Our almost 2 y.o. corn
has some tearing of the scales on her back and other areas.  Is the result of a
bad shed?  Is her hide possibly scoring her back?  Will she be okay with time
or does she need to go to the vet?
In similar questions you said it was hard to diagnose without a photo, so I
included one to check on our girl's health and help others who have the same

Usually with a bad shed you would notice the old skin stuck to the snake, and this looks a little bit more severe than that. My guess is that it's the result of some sort of abrasion. It takes a while for a cut like this on a snake to heal, usually several sheds. Since it doesn't look to be infected at the moment, I would apply a little bit of Neosporin to it 2x a day. An infection would look much like that on a human's skin, with some puss, etc. If it starts to look like that, or doesn't appear to be healing, then I would make a trip to the vet. Again, it will take a while to heal, much slower than a cut on our skin would heal.