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Weird neck swell

22 15:33:29

I've read through some of the other answers, and most people state they've noticed a swelling coming on for a few days or weeks, but this is not my case.  I have a Hogg Island Boa that's been with me since Aug '01, and I'm pretty sure she was between a year and two years old when I got her.  She's NEVER had a problem feeding and she's on a bimonthly schedule with two rats at a time.  This is the system that seems to work best for her, and she feeds throughout the year.  I fed her yesterday, and while I'm used to seeing a little bit of blood, either from the strike, or coming out the nose of the rat, it really doesn't happen very often.  When it does, I check her out very thoroughly to make sure that she didn't get bit or nicked (as I've seen happen to a ball python of mine a few years back).  Yesterday, there was a LOT of blood, and while she was doing her thing, I tried to check her out as much as I could to determine where all the blood was coming from.  I saw a lot of blood on the top of her head, and thought for sure she had probably taken a hit there, until I poured some water over her head and everything rinsed off clean, with no breaks in her skin.  She ate the two rats just fine, then just before taking her back to her tank, I noticed that the skin on her underside from about halfway back on her head leading in to her neck and body was very puffed out.  I could even see it expand and go down as she breathed.  I first thought that maybe she hadn't yet swallowed all the way, but then determined that wasn't the case because her neck otherwise looked completely normal around the top and the sides, and didn't have that "stretched out" look as it does when she swallows.  I know you're most likely going to tell me to have her checked out by a vet, but I wanted to see what you think about this, being that the "swelling" occurred very suddenly, and not over a period of time.

Hi Cheryl,

I am not sure what the problem is. My thought on it is this. When your snake opens its mouth it is dislocating its jaw to swallow the prey. I am thinking that when she did this and was done it may have caused a little tissue irritation and caused the swelling. It would be like a person picking themselves hard, that spot would swell up.

I would give it a couple of days before bringing her to the vet. It will probably go away on it's own.

I hope this helps. If there is anything else I can help you with please feel free to contact me again.

Eric Rovegno