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My burmese

22 15:33:29

Hello, I have a burmese python that is almost 3. He hasn't eaten for over a month, and he just won't. He doesn't look sick or anything, but usually if he goes OVER a month w/out eating he gets super grumpy. He just doesn't seem to care! Do you have any suggestions? I have now adopted a rat! lol.

Hi Janelle,

It is around breeding season for most snakes. The temperature changes and daylight hours changes, encourage this behavior. With your snake at almost three, this is the breeding age.

I would not worry to much about it. I have a male ball python that has not eaten anything since August. As long as your snake is not looking skinning and sick, or is not loosing a considerable amount of weight don't worry. You should keep offering prey items on the same cycle you have been. I am sure he will eat when he is ready.

I hope this helps, and if there is anything else I can help you with please feel free to contact me again.

Eric Rovegno