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STARVING king snake

22 15:26:12

We NEED help. Snake seriously won't eat. I have a 4ft long king snake we found in the yard 9 months ago. After having him 3 months he ate one mouse. He has not eaten since!!! We have a glass cage 3ftx2ft with a warming light to keep the temp between 75-85. He has one enclosed house & also a wood climb that has a semi-secluded area. He seems heathly & is out roaming around most days. He is easy to handle when he is out of the cage to be held. We are considering letting him go back to the wild if we can't get him to eat. Please help with any suggestions as my family really wants to keep him.

Thank you for sharing any suggestions you have!!

  That is a long time between meals. I once had a Macklot's python that went 6 months, but that is the longest I have ever heard of. Try to stimulate his appetite with a live rat pup or a live mouse (if you have not already tried that). If you cannot get him to eat within the next couple of days, I would let him go. Some snakes simply refuse to eat in captivity.